Concern is mounting both in the UK and in Europe about what
seems to be a lack of clarity
concerning the UK’s plans for leaving the European Union (EU). This concern is
well illustrated by the Italian Economics Minister, who commented recently that:
“Somebody needs to tell us something, and it needs to be something that makes
sense”. The Confederation of British Industry has also now joined in calls for
the government to put forward a clear plan, in order to avoid “further
crippling uncertainty”.
The government has insisted that a coherent approach is being devised, but that details cannot be
shared in advance of the negotiations. Yet some senior officials have indicated
that there isn’t yet a clear plan, and this seems to be backed up by a leaked
report, albeit disowned by the government, which indicates that Whitehall
is struggling to cope, that there are splits between Ministers and that
large numbers of additional civil servants need to be drafted in.
There are of course a number of valid reasons for the government to be wary about sharing a plan:
· First, the breadth and scope of the issues, and
the sheer volume of intricate detail involved, indicates that a period of
careful analysis is certainly needed. There are sound arguments for taking good
time over this initial analysis stage, although some might argue that five
months has already provided a reasonable initial window.
· Secondly, it could be argued that the government
should be careful not to show its hand within the EU in advance of the start of
formal negotiations, so as not to weaken its position. This stance is itself
weakened though by the extent to which initial pronouncements by the Prime
Minister, about the importance of prioritising immigration control, are now
shaping the positions that are being taken vis-à-vis Brexit from within the EU.
· A third, and potentially weighty, reason for the
government to be cautious about setting out its stall is that the Prime
Minister will know that any indications of the government’s formal position is
open to political attack internally, not least from within her own party, which
has been described as a ticking
time bomb in relation to Brexit. Continuing reports of splits on the
strategy for Brexit between key Ministers underline the scope for internal
political turmoil.
So, on the face of it there are plausible justifications,
linked to careful analysis, negotiating tactics and internal political
pressures, for the government to be wary about showing its hand. However, it is
possible that the current situation is in danger
of delivering the worst of all worlds. On the one hand, there is a
deliberate refusal to set out a ‘plan’, which is being presented as a
negotiating tactic and yet is leading to claims about uncertainty and
confusion. On the other hand, the government has in fact indicated some sticking points – such as the absolute
necessity of being able to limit free movement – which are setting off a chain
of comments and reactions within the EU and so possibly limiting the
government’s room for manoeuvre.
Since the words ‘strategy’ and ‘plan’ are being so
frequently used in connection with Brexit, what insights does theory about strategic planning and management in the
public domain provide for interpreting this confusing situation?
Informed by work on complexity theory, current
thinking in this field highlights the benefits of an ‘emergent’ approach to strategic management. Within this
perspective, carefully prescribed, formal plans that commit organisations and
governments some way into the future are increasingly being seen as too rigid
and inflexible for an environment of uncertainty and change. This type of
thinking points to a more ’emergent’ style of planning in which flexibility,
responsiveness and improvisation are the order of the day. Recent statements by
the Prime Minster seem to take this tack, suggesting for example that the UK
needs to “adapt
to the moment and evolve its thinking”, in response to anti-globalisation
and protectionist rhetoric from the US President-elect Trump. Indeed, some in
the government may be hoping that the seismic-scale discontinuity caused by
Trump’s election may create openings for negotiation in Europe that weren’t
there before.
Recent thinking about strategic planning also suggests,
though, that a wholly emergent approach is highly risky: without a sense of
overall direction, it is all too easy for clarity to be replaced by confusion
and a lack of coordination. As Rose and Cray (2010, p.
456) put it, in their exploration of strategy formulation in the public domain,
“the lack of a shared plan can give rise to confusion, wasted resources and
internal conflicts” – all of which seem to be clear risks in the current
situation. They point to the value of a two-part, ‘hybrid’ process, in which a
strategic framework sets out parameters and goals, articulated in sufficient
detail to provide a guide for action, whilst retaining flexibility to respond
to the changing environment.
Achieving this balance between clarity and flexibility is of
course a hugely demanding and quite subtle task, calling for attention to the process of crafting strategy as a
skill in its own right. Alongside all the current demands for ‘hard’ skills
in Whitehall in areas such as trade negotiations, it is just as important that
this ‘meta-skill’ gets the attention that it deserves. As the Institute
for Government put it back in September, “when it comes to Brexit, silence
is not a strategy”.
Ellen Roberts –
follow me on Twitter
Rose, W. and Cray, D. (2010)
‘Public-sector strategy formulation’, Canadian Public Administration,
Vol. 53, No. 4, pp.453-466.