The ‘gig
economy’, ‘uberisation’,
careers’ – these are just three of the buzzwords or phrases that are used
to capture a profound change in how people work, build a career (or: develop a
profession, for those who baulk at the idea of having ‘a career’), develop a
sense of self and personal identity, and gain the income to buy all the goods
and services on which depends and appears to depend a good living standard.
Despite all
differences between these and other labels, they share the assumption that the
traditional form of employment, encapsulated in the idea of a long working life
in the profession for which one was educated and trained, with a comfortable retirement
as final phase, is bound to become a rarity, both longed for by some thanks to
the stability it offers, and dreaded by others because of the ‘iron cage’ of a
narrow, predetermined path through life it represents.
It matters little
in this context that this ‘traditional form of employment’ (that has had its
undeniable shortcomings and that should not be glorified too much as part of a
general nostalgia for the so-called ‘golden age’ of the three post-war decades)
is a very young invention, strongly tied to the model of industrial and
post-industrial welfare capitalism that dominated the second half of the 20th
century; an invention that therefore not surprisingly runs out of steam at
precisely the moment when, on the one hand, the post-war approach to social
protection is more and more undermined and questioned, while on the other hand
the sustainability of a globalised capitalist order appears as increasingly
doubtful, not only because of the enormous social and environmental damages it
causes but also because it fails to produce the gains for the many on which its
legitimacy is built.
In this
particular setting, enter the idealised personality type of our current period:
the ‘entrepreneurial
self’ (Bröckling, 2016), the person who understands that to have a ‘good
life’, it takes continued individual efforts, constant mobilisation, personal investment
and high flexibility, in order to deal with all the challenges and to seek all
the opportunities that life offers. In other words, a person who relies
primarily on themselves to succeed, ignoring the core insight from any
introductory sociology course that humans are intrinsically social beings that
are defined by their surroundings, and thrive most within a collective.
While this
ideal serves as beacon and goal for everyone, its demands are particularly
challenging for an increasing share of the working population: To juggle
different (more or less paid) jobs and projects and hence manage a ‘portfolio
career’, to be presentable and attractive to new clients in the ‘gig economy’,
and to secure a decent income from ‘uberised’ jobs, in other words jobs that
have none of the protections that ‘traditional’ full-time employment offered
and still offers, being highly active in such an individualised sense is a core
requirement. It no longer suffices to sell one’s labour force and to be
competent, it now is essential to sell one’s entire personality, to show
prospective buyers not just professional skills but also the right attitude of
a proper ‘go getter’ – even if one just goes to get someone their lunch by
driving around on a bike through a polluted city.
many of these ‘new’ jobs (that could also be called ‘old’ jobs, harking back to
the times of day labour) fall into the realm of self-employment, even though
this categorisation can be and is contested, like in the case
of Deliveroo, purveyor of a fashionable form of ‘meals on wheels’ for the
busy urbanite. Being self-employed conveys a sense of autonomy, but also the
risk of self-exploitation and weak or non-existent social protection or
benefits, such as sick pay or paid leave. In the context of a steep
rise in self-employment in the UK over the last years, we can observe an increased
share of those who either just get by (as indicated by the median income
having fallen much steeper for the self-employed than for employees) or are bogusly
self-employed (because they have only one client, often their former
employer who found a neat way of liberating themselves from any responsibility
of the employee’s or worker’s well-being and the reproduction of their labour
force). It is these self-employed, who are living under precarious material
conditions while being asked to take full personal responsibility for their
fate, that my colleague Kevin Caraher and I
have defined as most
But beyond
the personal circumstances of the vulnerable self-employed, one essential
question emerges: Given that all markets are inevitably social constructs,
developing out of legal, cultural and political arrangements, and considering
that the labour market is one of the most complex and hence most heavily
regulated markets, what is the role of social policy in determining the
contours of the outlined employment context? What kind of support is provided
to the vulnerable self-employed, and to what extent do welfare agencies
encourage or even push unemployed persons into self-employment, either by
providing incentives or by creating a punitive environment (as it is so powerfully
depicted in the latest masterpiece by Ken Loach ‘I, Daniel Blake’) from which the status of self-employment is seen as a viable escape route. In short,
how is self-employment structured by social policy interventions and how do
these interact with economic changes?
A vast
research agenda, but one worth pursuing, as it will help to shed light not only
onto the ‘nature’ of work in the 21st century, but also onto how
state power is used to protect, support and emancipate as well as to
discipline, guide and penalise individuals.
Enrico Reuter – follow me on Twitter @ReuterEnrico
Enrico Reuter – follow me on Twitter @ReuterEnrico
Broeckling, U.
(2016). The Entrepreneurial Self: Fabricating a New Type of Subject. London: