On 1 January 2016, the 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted in
September 2015, came into force, replacing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) framework that that
shaped the international development agenda from 2000 to 2015.
has the era of sustainability as a guiding norm for global governance arrived? As
Jennifer Clapp
‘governance frameworks are rarely guided by just a single normative idea, often
it is the interaction of different norms that shapes policy outcomes’. Sustainability
‘shares the stage’ with another powerful norm - trade liberalisation. Increasingly,
norms of trade liberalization and sustainability are presented ‘side by side’, as
if mutually supportive. In the agri-food sector, for example, a liberalised
trade regime is typically presented as not only compatible with but the means
by which sustainability can be achieved.
‘trade supports sustainability’ argument relies heavily on the concept of
comparative advantage, devised in 1817 by David Ricardo to explain aggregate efficiency
gains realized when each country specialises in production of just those goods
for which it enjoys comparative (if not absolute) advantage. What the theory
assumes is that only goods, and not capital and labour, cross national borders.
This is clearly not the case in a contemporary global trade regime, however,
which is shaped by transnational corporations able to invest in ‘multiple
locations around the world, and at numerous points along global supply chains’
undermining ‘that most basic assumption of comparative advantage, that is that
capital is not mobile between countries’.
A Magna Carta for investors
the ‘trade supports sustainability’ position broadly informed discussions at
the Sustainable Development Summit, specific questions
about how policies to achieve the SDGs might potentially conflict with
commitments under preferential trade agreements and bilateral trade agreements
(BITs) were sidelined. In particular, and unlike the SDGs, such agreements are
enforceable though highly coercive ‘investor-state dispute
settlement’ (ISDS) mechanisms. The inclusion of ISDS in a trade treaty or BIT enables
overseas investors to sue national governments (but not the reverse) for
profits lost, for example, as a result of appropriation of the company’s
assets. The judgements (handed down by corporate lawyers, not judges) are
binding and, it is said, irreversible.
recent article in the Guardian revealed that the
ISDS mechanism, which turned 50 last year, has a long and chequered history. The
idea of ‘investor protection’ was originally conceived by European investors as
a way to protect investments in former colonies. Herman Abs, then Chairman of
Deutsche Bank Chairman described it, apparently without irony, as ‘a Magna
Carta for private investors’.
was subsequently adopted by the World Bank, despite strong opposition from
developing countries, in the belief it would ‘help the world’s poorest
countries attract foreign capital.’ In 1964 the Bank set up its ‘International Centre for
Settlement of Investment Disputes’ (ICSID), which remains the premier
tribunal for hearing ISDS cases worldwide, and ISDS has since been a standard component
in trade agreements with developing countries.
to the authors of the Guardian article, a mechanism devised
to protect against seizure of assets has suffered from rather an extreme case
of mission creep. “The number of suits filed against countries at the ICSID is
now around 500 – and that figure is growing at an average rate of one case a
week.” These days multinational corporations routinely use ISDS, not only to
recover money already invested, but for alleged “expected future profits”.
Under this generous interpretation several governments have been sued for legislating
to protect employment rights and social and environmental standards: In other
words, the kind of measures that would be consistent with achieving the SDGs.
Treaty Alliance
largest award made by an ISDS tribunal was by the Government of Ecuador, to the
Occidental Petroleum Corporation in 2006, for $1.7
billion. Interestingly, while the tribunal found in the government’s favour
(that the company had indeed violated Ecuadorian law) it nevertheless ruled
damages be paid to the company on account of the government’s
‘disproportionate’ response of terminating the contract.
a conference I recently attended, Maria Fernandez Espinosa, Government Minister
and Ecuador ambassador to the UN outlined a series of events that have unfolded
since that time. In 2007 Bolivia withdrew from the ICSID Convention, followed by Ecuador
in 2009
and Venezuela in 2012. Between 2008 and 2010
Ecuador terminated nine BITS and have since declared several more to be ‘inconsistent
with the country’s constitution’. The Government of Ecuador is now leading
creation of an alternative, regional centre for dispute settlement under the rubric of
the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).
her keynote speech, Espinoza reflected on ‘why are there not also treaties to
force transnational companies to respect national laws, human rights and
nature?’ Ecuador has, together with South Africa and several other countries in
Latin America, along with hundreds of civil society organisations, formed the ‘Treaty Alliance’ in favour of a binding
regulatory treaty with respect to human rights. Despite strong opposition from
developed countries, in 2014 a UN resolution was passed to establish an
intergovernmental working group:
At its 26th session, on 26 June 2014, the UN Human Rights Council adopted resolution 26/9 by which it decided “to establish an open-ended intergovernmental
working group on transnational corporations and other business enterprises with
respect to human rights, whose mandate shall be to elaborate an international
legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the
activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.”
Look South
Unlike the MDGs, which assumed that only developing countries
were in need of ‘development’, the SDGs are indeed ‘Global Goals’ that apply to
all countries. However, as Richard
Jolly argues in a recent blog, ‘if the challenges are
universal, so too are the lessons of experience, achievement and failures. A
change of mindset will be needed – and some humility. No longer will the more
developed countries be able to dispense wisdom and instructions to poorer
countries about what they ought to be doing… breaking the cycle of poverty is
far from easy. Which of the richer countries have done it? Not the UK, in spite
of more than 200 years of growth and ‘development’. Nor the US, France, Germany
or Russia’.
By Sally Brooks; follow her on Twitter